Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Something has Changed...

...not sure what it is exactly, but suddently Ladenburg feels like home and we all seem to feel more settled in and comfortable.  Why is that???

1. Tim has been working hard to not work so hard -- so more family time?
2. It just takes this long to feel comfortable in a new place?
3. I've developed a love for not having to really pay attention to anyone talking around me?
4. I can drive to a handful of plaes WITHOUT using the navigation device?
5. The girls were invited to TWO birthday parties this month?
6. The girls are hosting a party tomorrow and actually had TEN friends to invite?
7. It's summertime and there's more events happening in this town then anyone could attend on any given weekend?
8. I've adjusted to the flavor of a milch cafe? AND am becoming used to their version of an Iced Coffee (basically a coffee float!)?
9. The weather is so awesome with highs in 70's and lows in 50's...and the scenery is lush and gorgeous?
OR...maybe the most likely answer...
10. We can see the light at the end of the tunnel!!! 3 months down and 2 + 1 week left:)

Spirits are high, moods are happy, and friendships are developing! God is Good:)

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